Reggiani Ermes > Services > Calibration services
Calibration services

Calibration services

The tools responsible for monitoring processing operations must be checked, adjusted and calibrated at periodic intervals.

The accuracy of all equipment must be checked before it is used in production.
Accuracy standards can only be met if the measuring equipment is checked and recalibrated at periodic intervals, depending on the ways and extent to which said equipment is used.

Calibration is where the quantitative accuracy of measurements is checked. It is carried out to ensure that devices work properly, thus qualifying the processing cycle and, subsequently, the quality of the end product.

We calibrate by carefully analysing the critical points of the processing cycle in accordance with the control system implemented by the customer. Each inspection performed on-site or at our premises is carried out using Accredia-certified equipment.

On-site inspections enable us to check the entire thermometric chain, from the temperature sensor and indicator to the recorder/PLC.

The calibration report is a document completed by the technician during calibration operations. It details the results of the measurements taken. At the same time, the instruments checked are duly marked to ensure that the measurements taken have been verified and given an expiry date on site and are traceable.

We calibrate the following temperature instruments:


  • Resistance thermometers – thermocouples
  • Thermometers
  • Temperature recorders
  • Pressure transmitters – pressure gauges – vacuum gauges
  • Flow meters
  • Conductivity meters with standardised sample solutions

REGGIANI ERMES | We have been serving the food industry for over 40 years